
The Counselling Church
Christ based counsel, counsel based in the church 

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Steve Midgley is the Executive Director of Biblical Counselling UK.

Steve teaches courses in biblical counselling at Oak Hill College and is the director of the Certificate Course provided by Biblical Counselling UK in partnership with CCEF and supported by Oak Hill.  He is a board member of CCEF and on the council of the Biblical Counselling Coalition.

He is senior minister of Christ Church, Cambridge and trained as a psychiatrist before being ordained.

When you think of your church, do you think of a counselling church?

The Bible paints us a beautiful picture of mutual, personal, care and discipleship that is the body of Christ. This is the counselling church.
We all have a counselling ministry to someone. When you became a Christian you became a counsellor in the lives of those around you.
You were enlisted into the job of wisely loving people with gospel-soaked interactions as you encourage, comfort and admonish in the midst of everyday relationships.

Do you want to grow in wisdom and skill in the application of God's word in the counsel you bring to others' lives?
Do you want to better help those with deep struggles and learn how to train others in your church? 
Do you want to see Jesus transforming people through the personal ministry of his Word, Spirit and prayer?

Come and hear how you can help to nurture your counselling church into the thriving family where the personal ministry of the Word is part of the DNA.

Click below to register online for the event closest to you:


8:30am 18th May - 9:00pm 19th May
Melbourne Residential Conference