Module 2 of BCA Soul Care Certificate
Modules will be held on a Friday evening and Saturday daytime (times to be confirmed)
Registrations and enquiries: Pastor Heath Easton
(03) 5625 1126
Outline of the Biblical Soul Care Certificate** program:
Module 1: Biblical Soul Care: What is it? (Introduction to Biblical Soul Care)
Theme: Sufficiency of Scripture, Discipleship and Personal Responsibility within the Church
30/4-1/5 Fri/Sat
Module 2: Biblical Soul Care: How Do You Live It? (Restoring Broken Believers to the Grace of God)
Theme: Progressive Sanctification, how does someone grow in Christ
2-3/7 Fri/Sat
Module 3: Biblical Soul Care: How Do You Apply It? (Applying Biblical Soul Care Principles in Relationships)
Theme: Developing Helping Relationships for Biblical Soul Care
3-4/9 Fri/Sat
Module 4: Biblical Soul Care: How Do You Share It? (Applying Biblical Soul Care Principles within the Church)
Theme: Further instructions on soul care principles and working within the church to support church leadership
4-5/11 Fri/Sat
**This is optional but receive the certificate, each module will require completion some homework related to the classes and required reading. Books required:
How People Change by Tim Lane & Paul Tripp
Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands by Paul Tripp