What is biblical counselling?
Little 'b' biblical
Biblical Counselling is not about finding a verse for every problem. Biblical Counselling is personal ministry done from a biblical worldview. We want to see the complexity of life and people in the light of the gospel of Jesus. We want to see stories in light of God's big story. It’s all about helping each other know God personally in the details of the struggles of life and walking together in God’s ways.
Little 'c' counselling
All of us are little 'c' counsellors in the lives of others. Biblical counselling is about equipping parents, spouses, friends, leaders, pastors and carers to wisely love people with gospel-soaked interactions. We call this the 'Personal ministry of the Word'. In addition, we see the need for godly, trained 'parachurch counsellors', to both train the church and provide additional help for those with complex and unusual struggles.
The Personal Ministry of the Word
The ministry of the Word is more than preaching. It is more than small group bible studies. We are called to encourage, challenge, and comfort one another in the midst of everyday life. We want to grow in wisdom and skill in the application of God's word in the counsel we bring to others lives.
The Church as Transformation Centre
The church is the centre of care and transformation for the believer. This is not to demean the important role of doctors, parachurch counsellors and other helping professionals. It's a challenge to the church, to take the lead in the care and growth of the people under their care. It’s about encouraging each other and being the royal priesthood that the church is meant to be.
Who is Biblical Counselling Australia?
Biblical Counselling Australia (BCA) is an Australian network of around 2000 Christian pastors, chaplains, counsellors, university staff workers, women’s workers, kids workers, psychologists, doctors and more, pursuing biblical counselling in all sorts of settings, including conversational ministry in local churches. These people come from 300 churches from multiple denominations.
We support and partner with individuals, churches, parachurch ministries and colleges in their work in biblical counselling.
We hold well-attended public meetings across Australia, such as our ‘Mental Health and Your Church national workshops and conference with Steve Midgley in 2023. Other keynote international speakers have included Ed Welch, Alasdair Groves, Mike Emlet, Tim Lane and Paul Tripp.
We now offer an accreditation process for biblical counsellors and there are BCA affiliated counsellor supervision groups in most capital cities.
For more info see our beliefs and approach to counselling. Biblical Counselling Australia Inc. is an ACNC registered charity.
BCA has significant support from an increasing number of churches across Australia and it has worked together with a number of educational institutions and theological colleges including:
BCA has also been involved in speaking at or partnering with a number of parachurch ministries including:
Basecamp Men’s Convention, Easter Convention, and Oxygen.
The board of management includes:
Karl has been a biblical counsellor for 20 years. He completed graduate studies in counselling and theology at Westminster Seminary and CCEF in Philadelphia and is working on a DPhil in the Psalms and trauma at the University of Oxford. He is a lecturer at the PTC National Centre for Biblical Counselling, lead counsellor at Melbourne East Christian Counselling Centre, and served as a pastor at his church, Drouin Presbyterian, for a decade. Karl is also a medical practitioner. You can contact Karl by email: karl@biblicalcounselling.org.au
Neil is the Executive Pastor of City on a Hill Melbourne East. He is married to Kirsty and has two children. He loves music, playing guitar, and wrestling with his kids. Neil has a Bachelor of Theology from Ridley College, and a Diploma of Music from Box Hill Institute
Jacqui is a biblical counsellor and qualified hospital chaplain. She majored in biblical pastoral counselling at PTC Melbourne and pioneered the role of women’s pastoral worker in PCV churches. She counsels at Melbourne East Christian Counselling Centre. One of her specialisations is in bereavement. Jacqui also has a BMin, with ongoing studies. If you want to contact Jacqui, please email: jacqui@biblicalcounselling.org.au
Jo is a biblical counsellor in Sydney. She completed a Master of Arts in Counselling at Westminster Seminary and taught biblical counselling at the Centre for Pastoral Studies, Santiago, Chile for many years while serving with CMS. She is adjunct faculty at Westminster Theological Seminary where she is instructor for their MAC marriage counselling unit. She now attends an Anglican Church in Sydney.
Adrian has served in pastoral ministries since 1998 and has been active in biblical counselling since 2003. Before entering full-time ministry he worked in various roles with special education including teaching and as a behaviour therapist. Adrian has a Master of Arts in Biblical Counselling degree from The Master's University where he also did DMin coursework. He is a certified counsellor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counsellors and is at the dissertation stage of a PhD at in biblical counselling at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the Oceania Coordinator for Overseas Instruction in Counselling, and a council member on the Biblical Counselling Coalition. Adrian and his wife Jen have 5 children. Contact Email: adrian@biblicalcounselling.org.au
Roger is a chaplain with the Australian Defence Force and has a Master of Arts in Counselling from Westminster Theological Seminary. He worked in member care with a major international missions agency for many years and has served in pastoral ministry in a Baptist church.
Rory Weightman serves as the Events Administrator of BCA. He works as a biblical counsellor at Melbourne East Christian Counselling Centre and as a podiatrist, and serves as an elder at Reforming Church in Bendigo. Rory has completed the ‘Foundations of Biblical Counselling’ certificate through CCEF and is working towards BCA accreditation. Rory is a self confessed details man and is responsible for administration and events for BCA. If you want to talk further please email: rory@biblicalcounselling.org.au
Kurt was the co-founder of BCA with Karl Hood in 2011. He completed his M.Div at S.M.B.C. and has completed distance education courses through CCEF in biblical counselling. In 2018 Kurt stepped back from his place on the board to become a Special adviser. After serving as the minister of St Matts in Botany NSW for many years, Kurt has recently moved into ministry supervision. Get more info here